<慰安婦問題に関するスピーチ> 平成29年9月18日
NGO ECOSOC Status: International Career Support Association
Speaker: Shunichi Fujiki
Thank you Mr. President,
We would like to make two requests to the Human Rights Council.
First, we request the Council repeal the United Nations Special Rapporteur Ms. Coomraswamy’s Report of 1996. Reasons for the request are that some of its contents were not based on historical facts but based on fictitious books such as pornographic novels and manga like this one.
Also, some testimonies given in the report are simply false, which were coached to “comfort women” by a group called the “Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan.” The group has strong ties with DPRK and its purpose behind the comfort women issue is to defame Japan, demand money and drive a wedge into the US-Japan-ROK Security Partnership.
Second, we request the Council to pressure South Korean government to fulfil its end of the “2015 Japan-ROK Agreement” so that the two nations can resolve the comfort women issue finally and irreversibly as they agreed upon.
It is high time that the two nations renew their friendly relationship, so that we can deal with more imminent problems which the current world faces, such as the serious nuclear threat from DPRK.
Thank you, Mr. President.